Who We Are

Ewantek, a valid, dynamic and efficient reality in the commercial sector. The founding members started the company in 2012, a year that showed optimum results, and that enabled the company to achieve important recognitions from the market.

This outstanding performance shows how the twenty-year-long experience of the management leadership is valid and performing.

Ewantek associates the commercialization of basic plastic products denominated “granules” with the nursery and the real estate (lands, dwellings) industry.

These sectors, that present an apparent disconnection, are in reality strictly linked between each other. The plastic materials are used both in the nursery industry (e.g. to create poles and cords) and the real estate industry (just think about the multitude of plastic products present both in industrial and private constructions).

Ewantek mainly operates within the European market. Since 2016, the company expanded its area of interest up to Asia and USA.

Ewantek, an opportunistic choice, for a secure result.